Electronic cigarettes are an alternative for every smoker who does not want to say goodbye to tobacco addiction, but at the same time is tired of smoke and ashes. No combustion process - thus no smoke and ash - can be offered by all e-cigarettes, but this does not mean that the models are the same. On the contrary - two models of e-cigarettes can differ from each other almost everything. That is why today we will consider what to look for when choosing an e-cigarette.
Electronic cigarettes - general information
Let's start with a brief explanation of what an e-cigarette is and what it is characterized by. While these devices have been on the market for a while, still many people may not know exactly what their mode of operation is.
E-cigarettes are an alternative product to classic cigarettes and smoking. Their main feature is the lack of a combustion process that is characteristic of many tobacco products. When it comes to tobacco, we will not find it in e-cigarettes - special liquids, i.e. e-liquids, are used instead of tobacco for electronic cigarettes. They are a mixture of a plant nicotine solution, flavoring substances, as well as glycol and glycerin.
After introducing the liquid into the e-cigarette tank, it can be heated by the device's heating system. Usually it is a temperature that fluctuates around 200 degrees Celsius. The e-cigarette does not need a higher operating temperature, because 200 degrees Celsius is enough for the nicotine contained in the liquid to change its state to volatile. At this point, it is also worth noting that in the case of e-cigarettes, we cannot talk about smoke. They emit something that resembles this smoke, but it is water vapor - smoke is released only as a result of the combustion process.
All these features of the e-cigarette make it an alternative to tobacco products. However, this does not mean that they are completely neutral for our bodies - further research may be needed to present the effects of e-cigarettes on the human body in a wider spectrum. We should also remember about the nicotine contained in liuquid, which is an addictive substance even without the presence of combustion by-products.
E-cigarette - what to look for when choosing?
The fact that all e-cigarette models are designed to potentially reduce the harm of tobacco addiction does not mean that they work exactly the same way. As with many other things, in the case of e-cigarettes the variety is quite large and each user can choose the device that suits him completely. How to do it?
Electronic Cigarette - Heating system
One of the basic parameters that determines the operation of an e-cigarette and its entire use is the issue of the heating system. The heater is one of the most important elements of an e-cigarette and its specificity determines whether we are dealing with an e-cigarette with a closed system or an open system. What is this all about?
In the case of e-cigarettes with an open heating system, the user must remember to add liquid to the e-cigarette tank and replace the heater once in a while. In the case of an e-cigarette with a closed system, the user does not have such problems - all he has to do is replace the cartridge from time to time. This is due to the fact that in the case of e-cigarettes with a closed heating system, the heater and liquid are an integral part of the entire container, referred to as the cartridge. After using the liquid, the entire cartridge can be replaced with a new one.
Battery for E Cigarette
Another important parameter that you should pay attention to when buying an e-cigarette is the battery capacity. Each e-cigarette is equipped with a battery, commonly referred to as a battery. It depends on how long the e-cigarette will be able to fulfill its function without connecting it to the charger.
Adequate battery capacity is of course relative. If we work at the computer every day or spend a lot of time at home, the need to charge the device more often should not be a problem for us. However, if we spend more time in the field than at home, the greater battery capacity of the e-cigarette will certainly be useful.
The strength and aroma of the e-liquid
It may not be a parameter strictly related to the e-cigarette itself, but if it is to be our first device of this type, it is good to take into account the strength and aroma of the liquid. Typically, the strength is available in three varieties - 6mg, 12mg and 18mg, where mg is the number of milligrams of nicotine per milliliter of fluid. The greater the number we find with the liquid - the more intense its use will be.
It is impossible to compare the power of the liquid in an e-cigarette to the classic smoking of tobacco. Using an e-cigarette and smoking classic cigarettes are two completely different activities, so it will be impossible to determine the strength of the liquid based on previously smoked cigarettes. So how do you choose the nicotine concentration in your first e-cigarette? It is best to start with weaker liquids and increase the concentration of nicotine as needed. This eliminates the risk of unpleasant sensations associated with too much nicotine ingested.