When creating our natural cosmetics, we are always guided by the good of our customers and the natural environment. We believe that the power of ingredients flowing straight from nature is a recipe for beauty and excellent well-being. Together with our products, you will move into the world of captivating aromas, unique formulas and most importantly - effects that you can really see.
Eirhorse's offer includes natural cosmetics for comprehensive care - including cosmetics for bath, body, face and hair. We focus on simplicity, which goes hand in hand with the highest quality.
Our cosmetics are a real feast for the senses - original, intense fragrances will allow you to relax, accompanied by your favorite care.
Health & Beauty
Eirhorse is a combination of craftsmanship, passion and natural products.
So let yourself be carried away by the colors and textures, read about the properties of handmade cosmetics and believe that what is in nature is the best for your skin.
Our bath bombs, charming cupcakes, scrubs, gels or hand-made soaps - made of the best quality, natural ingredients, including vegetable glycerin, deserve attention. You will also find natural soaps that are suitable for the care of not only the skin of the body, but also the face - for example, soaps dedicated to particularly problematic and demanding skin.
Body cosmetics in our offer will satisfy even the most demanding customers. We offer butters, balms, creams and oils rich in valuable nutrients, which will meet the diverse needs of all skin types, regardless of their age.
Our offer is also perfect for those who are interested in natural face cosmetics. Depending on the requirements of your skin, choose this series that will eliminate imperfections and allow you to bring out its natural beauty. Thanks to our products, the daily care routine will become a real pleasure.
Our offer is also directed to people who care about healthy, natural look of their hair. You will find everything for hair with different needs: shampoos, conditioners, balms and scrubs for the scalp, which will make your strands healthier, shinier and full of life. Thanks to our cosmetics, you will emphasize what is most beautiful in them!
Eirhorse offers a wide selection of products dedicated to men: cosmetics for the body, face and hair. We are convinced that functional, natural cosmetics for men "2 in 1", intense, typically male aromas and elegant appearance of our cosmetics will appeal to everyone without exception.
Find out how much beauty lies in nature and try our natural cosmetics today. We are constantly changing for you - so that you can enjoy even more joy from using fully ecological, environmentally friendly products.
Health and beauty
Health and beauty always go hand in hand. If we are healthy, i.e. we supply nutrients from the inside, we enjoy a nice complexion, shiny hair, healthy, strong nails and a beautiful, firm body.
To stay healthy and beautiful for longer, the most important thing is to eat a well-balanced diet. It is worth eating healthy, avoiding excess salt and sugar, as well as processed foods. Health is guaranteed by wholesome meals, rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is worth eating a few smaller meals a day instead of 2-3 larger ones, because then the body digestes faster and we do not gain weight. In addition, you should not forget about regular hydration of the body. Regular drinking of about 1.5 liters of water a day not only helps you stay hydrated, but also removes toxins from your body. Thanks to this, not only the internal organs work properly, but also the condition of the skin improves.
Regular physical activity is also important. Exercise and training performed several times a week improves blood circulation, strengthens the figure and improves overall appearance. Movement in the fresh air is also important - jogging, cycling, a visit to the outdoor gym. Also, a pet can provide us with the right dose of activity. If we are the owners of a large dog that needs constant movement stimulation, we can confidently take him with us for a daily run. Even a few kilometers of jogging a day can give great results and improve our health.
If we properly care for our health, our beauty also improves. However, it is always worth supporting it from the outside. There are a number of beauty products on the market. Among them are mainly creams, lotions, masks and cheese. When it comes to face and body care, it is worth doing regular peeling that exfoliates dead skin and improves blood circulation. It is also worth performing a scalp peeling (so-called trichological). When it comes to hair, you should nourish it regularly, use masks, and use protective oils after washing. Thanks to this, the hair will be beautiful, shiny and weighted down.
Health and beauty are two intertwined issues. If we take care of both, we will enjoy not only physical fitness and proper test results, but also have a great mood and energy to act.
How to take care of your beauty
Beautiful, healthy skin is everyone's dream. However, cosmetics and visits to specialists are costly. However, there are grooming options that ... cost less than cotton balls.
Supplying your home beauty facilities with skin care products that are approved by dermatologists is an additional way to build your own skin care tradition. But you can also incorporate dermatologists' tips and practices into your skincare regimen - all of which cost the same: nothing - for a healthier complexion without the hassle of adding anything to your basket.
Take care of your beauty
We all know that expensive anti-wrinkle creams, lifting masks and facial treatments can work wonders for your skin. However, some of the best beauty practices do not rely on expensive products. Dermatologists shared their answers to bothering questions about beauty care and gave the best free beauty advice. From now on, it is worth including them in your daily care to be able to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin without losing your wallet.
Here are some simple ways:
- Spray your face with ice water: One of the fastest ways to improve your complexion? Use very cold water on the skin. Professionals often recommend washing your face with cold, even icy water, which helps reduce puffiness and inflammation. A quick rush of cold also improves circulation, which ensures an immediate even out of skin tone.
- Take breaks from makeup: Specialists also recommend giving up makeup from time to time. Walking with a naked face even once a week will do wonders for your skin. Makeup blocks the pores, so getting rid of it allows your skin to breathe, reducing the likelihood of breakouts.
- Look for a shadow: The sun is not your skin's friend, and overexposure can lead to abnormal pigmentation, fine lines, and collagen degradation. Therefore, it is recommended to always choose the shaded side of the street or protect yourself with a hat in direct sunlight.
- Use aspirin for breakouts: Fun fact: aspirin can help soothe inflammation in the skin. Crush the aspirin tablet in a small amount of a sticky substance, such as toothpaste or baking soda and water paste, and apply it to the pimple. Aspirin is both anti-inflammatory, which reduces redness, and converts into salicylic acid, which has an exfoliating effect.
- Get enough sleep: Research shows that if you don't get the right amount (and quality) of sleep, fine lines may appear on your face. For this reason, one of the best things you can do for your skin - and your overall health - is to get enough sleep each night.
- Minimize stress: Another simple, completely free trick for healthy skin? Don't be stressed. Stress accelerates aging and can promote breakouts. Even 10 minutes of gentle breathing before going to bed or at any time during the day can help improve skin health and sleep quality.
- Moisturize the skin after cleansing: After cleansing the skin, it is extremely important to apply other moisturizing skin care products immediately. This helps to avoid dehydration and keeps the skin hydrated.
- Eat fruits and vegetables: What you put on your plate can also affect your skin. It is recommended to consume plenty of antioxidants and minerals which can help increase collagen synthesis and repair the skin's DNA. In addition, avoiding foods with pro-inflammatory properties, such as highly refined sugars, trans fats, and artificial ingredients, can help stop blemishes and redness from appearing.