Does the phenomenon of passive smoking occur in the case of e-cigarettes?
E-cigarettes are a modern solution that is a potentially less harmful alternative to classic cigarettes. Due to the lack of a combustion process, the use of e-cigarettes is smokeless - instead, the device releases steam, which is a mixture of vaporized liquid ingredients. Is it harmful? What does passive smoking look like with e-cigarettes? These are the questions that we will answer in a moment.
E-cigarettes, i.e. nicotine without smoke and ash
Smoking classic cigarettes is associated with a number of different inconveniences for our body. For this reason, alternatives to regular tobacco, such as e-cigarettes, are very popular.
Why could E Cigs be a potentially less harmful option than smoking?
This is because there is no combustion process in e-cigarettes. In e-cigarettes, specially dedicated liquids are used, which are only heated so that they can evaporate the nicotine contained in them, but are not brought to such a high temperature that would cause them to burn. As a result, e-cigarettes can be a potential way to reduce the harm caused by smoking - they can additionally deliver nicotine to the body, but without the accompanying smoke and various substances of the combustion process, as is the case with traditional smoking.
Remember, however, that electronic cigarettes cannot be considered a completely safe alternative. It is a product that has been on the market for a relatively short time and more research is needed to fully understand its effects on the human body. We should also remember that most liquids contain nicotine, the consumption of which can lead to addiction.
E-cigarette and smoke
Due to the lack of a combustion process in electronic cigarettes, the substance released from them cannot be called smoke. The volatile matter exhaled by the e-cigarette user is only the vapor produced by heating the alcohol components. E-cigarette liquids are a mixture of glycol, glycerin, flavors and nicotine, and these ingredients can also be found in the vapors that result from e-cigarette use.
On ordinary cigarettes, the smoke exhaled by a smoker or the smoke from the red-hot tip of a cigarette is harmful to the environment. We already know that we cannot talk about e-cigarette smoke, but is their vapor as harmful as smoking regular tobacco?
What is secondhand smoke?
We can talk about passive smoking when a person is not actively smoking a cigarette, but still ingests cigarette smoke while breathing. This situation can arise when someone is surrounded by smokers or lives with them in the same home.
Is secondhand smoke harmful to the body?
Unfortunately, passive smoking, like active smoking, can adversely affect our body. This is largely due to the fact that the smoke rising directly from the tip of the cigarette, the so-called sidestream smoke, has similar substances to the smoke inhaled by a smoker, but in a higher concentration. According to scientific estimates, the smoke coming out of the tip of a cigarette may contain up to fifty times the concentration of toxic substances compared to the smoke inhaled by a smoker.
Every smoker should be aware of how his addiction affects bystanders and take steps to protect his relatives from the effects of passive smoking. Can e-cigarettes be a way to potentially reduce harmfulness also in this area?
Passive smoking and e-cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes can also cause the effect of passive smoking in our environment, but most likely it will be a less dangerous phenomenon. Why? The first thing is the lack of smoke mentioned earlier when using e-cigarettes. There aren't as many toxic substances in an e-cigarette as is the case with regular cigarette smoke. In addition, the concentration of nicotine in an e-cigarette is also lower if we compare it to the one found in smoke. It is estimated that its amount is about ten times lower in vapor from e-cigarettes than in tobacco smoke.
It is also worth noting that the sidestream phenomenon does not occur with electronic cigarettes. When we set fire to a classic cigarette, the heat on its tip will burn regardless of whether we are inhaling the smoke or not. In electronic cigarettes, the entire process of heating the liquid depends on the user, who only does it while inhaling.
Summarizing the above information, passive smoking also applies to those who are in the vicinity of e-cigarette users, but it is potentially less harmful than the same effect with regular cigarettes. Nevertheless, remember that e-cigarettes still require more extensive research in this regard.